March 4, 2010


I want to break through all the chains binding my free will. Lots of things to be worried about, but do I need to follow all the rules? I forget since when my sense of guilt has started to make me compromise and even feel comfortable with all these. I guess I need to have the guts to give it a try. Otherwise, the old habits are still with me. And there will be nothing more in my life can be expected.

Originally I don't want this conflict keeps disturbing my life. In the end, I still have to confess that what I want is not always what I've got. Maybe, that's just life. I shall complain no more. This unsatisfactory life could be other people's blessings if they were me. As a matter of fact, to which point can I feel really satisfied? I still don't have the answer for it.

I guess this is just a sort of reminder telling me I should do something instead of staying the same. Changes are not necessarily good. At least, they give me more choices.

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